
DecoLegno HPL Specials


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- story by DecoLegno BV


DecoLegno offers a wide range of special laminates in the HPL Specials collection. Laminates with characteristic decors for creating unique and bespoke furniture and interior concepts in retail, hospitality, office or private residences.

Nature is an important source of inspiration. Forests and the woods inspire for decors as Zebrano Wood and Pine Wood in a natural brown colour. The 7924 Synchro gives the atmosphere of an American barn. Forest Green makes you think about bark and moss. Herringbone is often applied in flooring, but with the HPL Specials other applications are possible. With the light oak, brown oak, red oak or black oak you can create original furniture or interior designs.

Besides wooden decors names as Muddy Brown, Burned Black and Ash White leave no room for interpretation. The colours of clay, the look of burned wood and ash translated into on-trend laminates with limitless possibilities for creativity.

If you want to translate fairytales into interior design, you may be inspired by the decors Copper and Madras Curry. Both create an Oriental atmosphere full of spicy colour and the glow of precious metals. Visit for more inspiration and free samples.

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